Jay Guo elected IEEE Fellow for contributions to nanoimprint technology

Guo is a world-renowned researcher who has made significant contributions to a wide variety of areas, including nanoimprinting, nanophotonics, organic solar cells, and more.

Jay Guo, professor of electrical and computer engineering as well as Macromolecular Science and Engineering, has been elevated to IEEE Fellow, class of 2025, “for contributions to nanoimprint, scalable nanopatterning.” Continue Reading »

Sharon Glotzer receives 2025 Peter Debye Award from the American Chemical Society

Image of Prof Sharon Glotzer

Sharon Glotzer, the Anthony C. Lembke Department Chair of Chemical Engineering, has been selected to receive the prestigious Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry. This honor, sponsored by an endowed fund established by the American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Physical Chemistry, recognizes her inventive contributions to the theory, modeling, and simulation of Continue Reading »

Jovan Kamcev receives PMSE Early Investigator Award for ion-exchange membrane research

kamcev presentation

The Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) has recognized Jovan Kamcev, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and leader of the Kamcev Research Lab, as a 2024 Early Investigator Awardee for his work on designing ion-exchange membranes with ultrahigh charge densities.

The PMSE Division, a branch of the American Chemical Society (ACS) established Continue Reading »

Lola Eniola-Adefeso and Nicholas Kotov honored as AAAS fellows

The AAAS fellowship is one of the most distinct honors in the scientific community and acknowledges their contributions to the fields of chemical engineering, materials science, biomedical engineering, and macromolecular science and engineering.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has recognized Lola Eniola-Adefeso, Vennema Professor of Chemical Engineering, and Nicholas Kotov Continue Reading »

Anish Tuteja Honored by College with Faculty Research Award

Anish Tuteja headshot

A world leader in surface science research, Tuteja has built a vibrant research enterprise at U-M involving ice-phobic, ice-shedding and anti-fouling coatings that have exciting real-life applications.

MSE and Macro is proud to announce that Professor Anish Tuteja recently received the David E. Liddle Research Excellence Award from the College of Engineering for his world-renowned Continue Reading »

Macro Student Azam Hussain Received Prestigious COE Award

Hussain, Azam Headshot

Azam Hussain, a fourth year Macro PhD student in Brooks Lab, received Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement from the College of Engineering. This award is presented to outstanding graduate students based on their research, leadership and academic performance. Azam’s research focuses on combining machine learning, molecular modeling, and experiments Continue Reading »


Pena-Francesch, Abdon Headshot

Three-year grant will help advance robotic performance in soft materials.

Macro is pleased to announce that Assistant Professor Abdon Pena-Francesch’s proposal, “Dynamic Polymer Networks for Resilient and Adaptive Soft Machines,” has been selected by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) to receive a Young Investigator Program (YIP) award

Pena-Francesch’s three-year grant is Continue Reading »

Professor Richard Laine Received Green Chemistry Challenge Award 2023

Professor Laine receiving the Green Chemistry Challenge Award

We are delighted to announce that Former Macro Director and MSE Professor Richard Laine has been honored with the 2023 Green Chemistry Challenge Award! Prof. Laine’s outstanding work in the Academic Category has been recognized for its innovative approach to upcycling/valorizing abundant agricultural waste.

Prof. Laine and his team have pioneered groundbreaking techniques to refine Continue Reading »