Every year we strive to offer our students in Macro the best possible educational and research experiences. We are grateful for your continued support of the Macro program and count on you to help us offer these exceptional opportunities. See below for a listing of Macro funds and the initiatives they support.
Funds that Support Macromolecular Science & Engineering
Macromolecular Science & Engineering Special Fund (303333)
Gifts to this fund help support a variety of vital events and initiatives within the Macro program. This includes the always-growing Annual Macro Symposium, invited speakers, recruitment activities, and the Macro picnic. Macro continues to expand its national and global footprint to make available the best possible opportunities for our students. Your contribution to this fund will provide the support to continue to grow and develop Macro as a leader in polymer science and engineering.
Give online to the Macromolecular Science & Engineering Special Fund or by calling 1-888-518-7888
Charles G. Overberger Fellowships Fund (721460)
This endowed fund is named in honor of Macro founder and longtime director Charles G. Overberger. It provides funds for the Overberger Excellence in Research Student Award, Macro’s top student award given annually at the Macro Symposium. The award, chosen by Macro faculty, recognizes outstanding research and contributions by a Macro student. The fund also provides other year-round student support, including conference travel awards.
Give online to the Charles G. Overberger Fellowships Fund or by calling 1-888-518-7888
Frank E. Filisko Fund (572065)
This fund honors former Macro Director and Professor, Frank E. Filisko. Contributions to the fund help provide for an annual student award at the Macro Symposium that recognizes excellence and clarity in research. The award is selected and presented by Professor Richard E. Robertson.
Give online to the Frank E. Filisko Fund or by calling 1-888-518-7888
Nonna Hamilton Student Service Award Fund (731434)
Named for long-time Macro Coordinator Nonna Hamilton, gifts to this endowed fund help provide an annual student award that recognizes outstanding effort and commitment to the Macro program. Nonna began a well-earned retirement in 2014 after serving as a support and guide for over two decades of Macro students.
Give online to the Nonna Hamilton Student Service Award Fund or by calling 1-888-518-7888
Overberger International Excellence in Research Prize Endowment Fund (571679)
Contributions to this fund help support the biennial Charles G. Overberger International Prize for Excellence in Polymer Research, named after Macro’s founder and longtime director Charles G. Overberger. The prize seeks to recognize and encourage accomplishments of great merit in basic or applied polymer science. Nominations from a global pool of candidates are considered for several months; past recipients are Yoshio Okamoto (2011), James McGrath (2013), Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (2015), Craig Hawker (2017), and Kenneth Wagener (2019).
Give online to the Overberger International Excellence in Research Prize Endowment Fund or by calling 1-888-518-7888