Student Activities

In 2015 Macro students began an outreach program to bring the basics of polymer science and engineering to elementary, middle, and high school students in the Detroit Metro area and beyond.

Each presentation introduces polymers to students from the most basic level of monomers as building blocks to how polymers are used in our everyday life. During each visit students have an opportunity to put into action what they have learned with various hands-on activities and demonstrations.

In the 2017-2018 school year Macro students made 20 classroom visits and connected with over 1,000 students. Presentations include “Recycling and Remanufacturing”, “Why Are Polymers Different?”, “Polymers in Medicine”, and “Careers in Polymers”.  In the Summer of 2019, in partnership with the Center for Educational Outreach, students hosted teachers on campus for a day of workshops, lab tours, and activity demonstrations.

Not a Macro student but interested in participating? Contact [email protected] for more information!

To learn more about the REACT workshop, visit their site at